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Opioids Articles

Franklin County Makes National News for Synthetic Opioids …

Last night Franklin County, Ohio was featured on a CNN broadcast covering the nation's opiate epidemic. In a period of a week and a half, our county experienced a staggering 28 overdose deaths, including 10 in just one day. The problem is so bad that the Coroner's...

The Alarming Lack of Adequate Treatment in our Jails and Prisons. Medications for opioid addiction work. Most prisons and jails don’t offer them.

This morning I came across an article on Vox, from an author who I have been following closely since I began my journey with Apportis. Each article he writes is as captivating as his others, and focuses on the problems that stemmed from the opioid epidemic that is...

About One Every Fifteen Minutes…. …

Such a sad topic for discussion, but a topic that NEEDS to be brought to light and involved more in the public discussion of the pending settlements  between pharmaceutical companies and the state of Oklahoma. As states, cities, counties and even hospitals continue to...

Peer Recovery Specialists Help Doctors Get Patients Into Addiction Treatment …

As the Opioid Crisis continues to ravage our country, more and more individuals are in need of treatment for substance use disorder (SUD). Addiction has saturated every community and demographic throughout the US, however there are still barriers to receiving...