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Red Ribbon Week 2020

Written by Marissa Ulchaker

October 23, 2020

Red Ribbon Week is the nation’s largest and longest-running drug-abuse prevention campaign. This years’ theme is “Be Happy. Be Brave. Be Drug Free,” and the campaign is being celebrated from October 23rd through October 31st. Since 1985, Red Ribbon Week has encouraged America to live drug-free lives in order to facilitate the pathways for healthy, drug-free youth. They also provide educational opportunities to our youth to learn about drug prevention at an early age. Here is a link to resources the Red Ribbon Campaign offers.

Schools are a major force in creating awareness for the campaign as well. I remember participating in Red Ribbon Week activities every year during grade school. I can remember how important these assemblies, games, and other activities were to my school district, as it was their mission to take a stance in protecting their students from drug abuse.

At Apportis, we encourage community members of all ages to take part in the drug prevention campaign of Red Ribbon Week. It is never too early to educate others about the dangers of drug abuse.

Here are some ways that the Red Ribbon Campaign encourages the community to get involved:

  • Plan a Red Ribbon “CruiseBy” – Have each participant decorate his or her car featuring the Red Ribbon Theme and drive through your neighborhood.
  • Plant the Promise – Plant red flower bulbs which bloom in the Spring and serve as a reminder of the importance and the beauty of a drug free life.
  • Share your best spoken word performance that incorporates use of the 2020 theme – Be Happy, Be Brave, Be Drug Free™ – Post it to Facebook or Instagram and add the hashtag #RedRibbonWeekSpokenWord. Contest begins October 23rd and ends October 31st.
  • Enter the 2020 National Red Ribbon Week Photo Contest
  • Nominate someone for the Enrique Camarena Red Ribbon Award – This annual award recognizes and honors individuals who personify Agent Camarena’s belief that one person can make a difference.
  • Take the #BeHappyBeBraveBeDrugFree Social Media Challenge – Show us how you’re living drug free by dressing up like your favorite superhero and by snapping a picture and posting it to Social Media.
  • Mask Challenge – Join the #RedRibbonMaskChallenge by wearing a Red Ribbon-Themed Mask During Red Ribbon Week, October 23-31.
  • Ask Your Local Police Department, Health Department or Prevention Coalition to Host a Virtual Drug Presentation
  • Plan A Building or Structure Illumination – Does your local landmark light up? How about your school, office building, local bridge or stadium? Find out if it can be turned red in honor of Red Ribbon Week.
  • Celebrate Being Drug Free – Print out the Red Ribbon Theme sign, add your name, hold it up and post a photo that shows us you’re committed to living drug free.
  • Family Table Time – Did you know that teens who eat dinner with their families are less likely to use drugs and alcohol?


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