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Telemedicine, it is just the tonic …

Written by Eric Ulchakere

May 20, 2020

Mary Poppins’ songs can sometimes still echo in the ears of many my age – Gen X’ers…cough, cough – singing about a spoonful of sugar making the medicine going down.  I pose this question, tongue-in-cheek:  Was Mary Poppins the beginning of Telemedicine?


The correlation is startling: Ms. Mary floated down from “the cloud” upon the winds of change to remedy the in-home ailments.  This is Telemedicine in its most basic form.


The APPORTIS Telemedicine platform is a personalized, white-labelled service that brings efficacy, robustness and flexibility to a clinical practice for remote medical consultations.  With States passing legislation for reimbursements, many more will “step in time“.


Contact us to schedule a meeting so that we can get you started.



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